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Incredible specimen of Opal Boulder Koroit natural polished with its natural cavity. Photos and video in the sun.
public Origin: Queensland, Australia
pallet Dominant color: Multicolor
diamond Form: Drop
open_in_full Dimensions: 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.45 cm
balance Weight: 8.6 ct
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Opal Boulder is a variety of Opal embedded in the cavities and cracks of a ferruginous matrix. The English term 'Boulder', meaning 'Roche', refers to this mother rock mainly composed of iron and of iron. This type of Opales is being explored exclusively in Queensland, northeast Australia. Among the most famous fields of Opales Boulder are Koroit, Yowah, Winton, Opalton, Jundah and Quilpie. The Opal Boulder is popular with collectors and jewellers for its captivating color sets and fascinating patterns, evoking Aboriginal Art.
In lithotherapy, the Opal Boulder is considered a magical and mystical stone. It is known to activate extrasensory perceptions and develop psychic faculties. It is also used to facilitate communication with spiritual guides and connection to subtle plans. The Opal Boulder is also known for purifying and balancing Chakras, promoting relaxation, relaxation and a sense of serenity. According to many accounts, its harmonious vibrations help to control emotions and regulate moods. The iron in its matrix acts as an amplifier, strengthening its energy properties. The Opal Boulder symbolizes light and harmony.
Thanks to its matrix, Opal Boulder is one of the most resistant and less fragile varieties of Opals. However, it requires special care to preserve its qualities and intensity from its color lights over time. It is essential to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and thermal shocks. This stone is also very sensitive to salt, chemicals and cosmetics. Unlike other Opales, Opale Boulder does not fear contact with water. To clean it, you can pass it under a lukewarm water fillet, or use a moistened soft cloth to remove impurities, then dry it thoroughly.
SiO2 - nH2O
Australia, Queensland
1.9 to 2.5
Our advice:
Purification: water, earth, clay
Reloading: crystal geode, Moon
We also invite you to discover our exclusive collection of pendants natural Boulder Opale.
We propose to transform our Boulder Opales into tailor-made jewellery (ring, pendant, earrings, trimmings...), gold or silver, depending on your budget and your desires.
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