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La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La La Septariais one Nodulemainly composed of Calcite,Aragoniteand dclay (CaCO3). Sheformed during the Cretacé era there 100 to 200 million yearsin marnes or clay layers. Other minerals include: quartz, dolomie, baryte, pyrite, gypsum or ammonitis For example.
The most famous deposits are located in Madagascar but we also find it Australia, Canada, in England, to USA or Morocco For example.
Nicknamed " Dragon Stone or " Wild septaria "The Septaria derives its name from the Latin word "sevenarius", meaning "cloisonné", "cloison", "barrière".
In lithotherapy, the Septaria is related to chakra root and solar plexus. She would help. channeling emotions and to exteriorize negative energies.Pierre d'ancrage, it would allow free from memory of the past to move forward.
According to the testimonies, it would rebalance physical and emotional blockages while promoting theself-healing and self-confidence.
Septaria is associated with the astrological signs of Bull and Sagittarius. It symbolizes the patience and tolerance.
Here is a table repertorianting the different recharging and purification methods stones:click here
Before choosing, think about how to find out chemical composition and characteristics Your stones. Indeed, some of them do not support contact with water, salt or sun, for example.
Request safe methods such aslunar energy, one Cristal geode or even form waves.
Lithotherapy is not a science or medicine and cannot in any case replace a medical opinion and suitable treatment. The information on this site is the result of numerous testimonies and books dedicated to lithotherapy and not of validated scientific evidence. In addition, some minerals may be toxic or dangerous in the event of contact or ingestion and must be handled with caution.