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The word gemcomes from the Greek « Eima transformed into " gemma “that can be translated into Latin by “ ornament "in the general sense of the term.
The French law now includes the names " fine stones or " semi precious» (Aigue-Marine, Amethyst...), precious stones » (Sapphires, Rubis...) and " ornamental stones » (Turquoise, Agate...) under the unique name of “ gemstones "
The term “gemme” can only be applied to one natural stone of mineral origin, Rocky or organic (amber, pearl, coral) that meets specific quality criteriaaesthetics and hardness.
“ 4 C in English Color " Clarity " Cut and “ Carat » (i.e. colour, transparency, size and weight at the carat) allow for judging the value of a gemstone stone
Other factors influence value and value rare a gem, such as the supply and demand or exhaustion of a deposit.
The work of Lapidaire consists of cutting and polishing gems. They will then be mounted in jewelry by a joaillier or retained as part collection. ♪ gemmologists expertise the gems and attest to their authenticity and value in the stone market.